Examples of our work

Buying and donating simultaneously at FairFriends.nl

FairFriends is a place where you can buy fair and sustainable products and support a good cause.

Different product suppliers advertise their products in their own FairFriends webshop, in line with the shop-in-shop principle. This creates a wide and attractive range of products. By working together, logistics and marketing costs drop.

Every FairFriends product supplier is personally involved in the production, the products and the environment of the producer. This makes possible the best guarantee of a truly ‘good’ product. Moreover, it leads to alluring sales prices because the middlemen have been excluded from the process. The products are thus fair and sustainable as well as affordable.

FairFriends financially helps charitable organizations in three ways:

  • The supplier places 5% of the sales gains of a product at the disposal of a charitable organization of his/her choosing
  • Another 5% of the purchase value of a product is given to a charitable organization of the customer’s choice 
  • Additionally, visitors can also directly donate to charitable projects and organizations through FairFriends 

The website is built on the myShop platform and it is developed by myShop Solutions.



New branding and strategy Maguari.com!

Maguari came into being after the merger of two successful infant care companies: Bibs and Stuff and ISI Babyartikelen bv.

In 2012, ISI Babyartikelen bv bought out Bibs & Stuff in Great-Britain. Following an eventful adjustment period, which saw many new developments on the level of product exchange and development, automation, staff and accommodation, both enterprises continued under the shared name Maguari on January 1, 2014.

Maguari aims to ease young parents’ lives by offering high quality, innovative and problem-solving products. This is made possible by selecting the right brands with the right products, developing innovative products and marketing these brands and products.

The new corporate design was the basis of the new site, which was created on the platform of myShop.com. The site is intuitive and responsive. This means that visitors with a smartphone experience different elements than visitors on a laptop. Thus, per device, custom layouts can be created. The site is multilingual and contains an extensive catalog for all European countries.

Over 1500 reviews in a niche-market: Schapenvel.nl

During a vacation in Poland in 2006, Edith and Jan Mark Hof made acquaintance with a local market trader. They bought two furs from him, which to this day adorn their living room. Deeply impressed by his beautiful sheep’s furs they went home. “What a delight it must be to sell these furs” ...At the time, Edith was working for the websites of a major telecom company. She thought it a challenge to build a webshop of her own, which she did. A few years later, Schapenvel.nl has become a well-visited, well-selling webshop. Top ranking on Google ensures easy accessibility for visitors (dierenvel.nl was launched in 2010). Over 1500 reviews from satisfied customers help even more, as clients are asked to share their experiences with Edith and Jan Mark routinely. Now that they have been doing it for a while, their fur trade has proved to be worth gold. In 2013, Schapenvel.nl was given a new layout: the most important objective was to create a more intuitive navigation and to establish a uniform layout.


van Hulley

Your own shirt as a boxer!

Nearly every man has a shirt that has been worn out around the collar, but holds too much value to throw away. At sewing studio Van Hully in Groningen, we turn your worn out shirt into a custom made boxer brief. Your boxer will be hand made by women who can use a little help. They get training and increase their chances on paid work.

In doing so, Van Hully fits perfectly in contemporary time: social, sustainable and personal. You can order your Van Hulley via www.vanhulley.nl. You send your shirt and get it returned as a boxer brief in a special box within a week. Alternatively, you order a gift coupon, which you can give to someone else to have his/her shirt ‘upcycled’. Customers automatically receive a personalized PDF via email, containing the coupon code that can be redeemed online.

A few special details distinguish Van Hulley from other boxer briefs. For example, the sleeve’s cuff is used as a fly and on the backside of the boxer, you will find a small triangle made from the shirt’s collar.

The site was built on the platform of myShop and developed and equipped by myShop Solutions.